The 32 County Sovereignty Movement reject the accusations made by UUP and DUP on today’s Nolan show that our anti policing posters contained a threat of intimidation.
The only thing these posters contain are facts. The current threat level imposed by British intelligence service MI5 is at substantial. This is evidence enough for any member of the public to ascertain that officers of the PSNI would live in fear and feel the need to look over their shoulder constantly due to a high risk of injury. These points are also evidenced in the fact that each officer receives a danger payment of £4000 annually while civilian staff receive £600 based on the current threat level.
The latest recruitment campaign by the PSNI received one of the lowest amounts of applications in years from those of a Catholic background and the lowest total amount of applications, further proving that people are waking up to the charade of the dysfunctional police force. This along with the multitude of recent embarrassments by the PSNI reflects negatively on the politicians sitting on the policing board, as well as their respective parties, and in an attempt to save face have sought to use our poster as a means to deflect from their own political failures.
So long as Britain retains its claim of sovereignty over the 6 counties, policing under whichever banner, be it the PSNI or the RUC, will always be political, never impartial and the 32 County Sovereignty Movement will not be found wanting in exposing it.